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Clan Rules: Do's and Do Not's

Violating rules may result in removal from the clan.

We're a simple clan, with a simple set of guidelines. Follow them and stay as long as you'd like. Violate them and see yourself on the receiving end of a ban hammer.


Rule #1: Help each other out when you can.
If someone asks for help and you can do it, please offer some sort of help. Sometimes even a few quick tips can make all the difference.


Rule #2: Have fun.

We all have lives outside of this game, let's make that clear for anyone living under a rock with amazing WiFi.


No one likes a whiner or someone raging. Things happen that can cause us to get upset in game... but try to keep it in game. Venting on occasion is ok in the chatrooms, but don't be a repeat offender for delivering unwanted salt loads. Join random teams and mess around. If you're not laughing at some point, you're not doing it right.


Rule #3: Be mature and have patience.

This should go without saying, but not everyone is online at the same time you are... I know, it sucks sometimes. Rather than blowing up the chats with requests, be patient for a response. Along with that comes a level of maturity. Joking around is totally ok, but keep it semi-clean around the chats for our younger gamers.



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