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Meet Our Admins and Officers

RANK: LUX Founder & LGC Community Head

+ Jack of all trades
+ Guardian since Alpha Testing
+ Ghost/Drifter - Comes and goes
+ WLinden's real-life best friend
+ Fanboy of all things TRON and  superhero related

RANK: Co-Admin

+ Active streamer

+ Trophy Hunter (Over 110 platinums)

+ Often helping clan with missions

+ Over 100 King's Fall raid completions

RANK: Co-Admin

+ I spend most of time in Destiny in the crucible and enjoy playing with people in the clan mostly crucible as well.
+ Likes to help people out and tell them about their weapon rolls and what to go for.
+ Main class: Warlock
+ Looks forward to helping out clan members

RANK: Officer -
Destiny Clan Forgemaster

+ Former admin for The Solar Syndicate
+ Guardian since Day-1 Alpha Testing
+ Over 125 King's Fall raid completions
+ Real-Life Bowling Coach
+ Husband; Father of 2

LVX Leadership
Leaders and Mentors

>> Leaders
(LVX recruitment and event planning)

+ Im_An_InSoMnIaC

+ HawkZoned

>> Mentors (LVX Combat Coaches)

+ Crippled_Nipplas

+ ExaltedPanda-

NOTE: LVX Leaders are not direct admins. Removal from LVX is based on activity and rule violations.

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